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Here you will find information on how to work in workflows.
Here you will find information on how to work in workflows.
Nikolaus Varzakaos
Feb 27, 20221 min read
Support our Ukranian friends
Our thoughts are with our friends and business partners in Ukraine. You are awesome and we hope you are safe and that we can resume our...
Nikolaus Varzakaos
Oct 5, 20214 min read
From Event Storming to User Stories
What is Event Storming? Event Storming is often used as a starting point to explore and learn about a business domain. Event Storming can...
Nikolaus Varzakaos
Jun 12, 20211 min read
New Name - Qlerify!
We have decided to change the name of our app to Qlerify. The URL to our website is now and the URL to the app is...
Nikolaus Varzakaos
Mar 18, 20211 min read
The recurring frustration when process diagrams are not up to date
Many users are frustrated with overcomplex business process modelling (BPM) tools and difficulties with keeping their business processes...
Nikolaus Varzakaos
Mar 18, 20211 min read
A simple guide to process mapping
Here is great guide on Youtube describing how you can create business processes with all the necessary elements, such as roles, events,...
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