Here you will find information on how to use the Qlerify tool. The overview section describes basic concepts and the step by step guide shows you how to get started.
Watch an introduction video or visit our Youtube channel here
What's an organisation?
An organisation is an entity that runs one or several projects.
What's a project?
A project contains one or many workflows. A project belongs to an organisation.
What's a workflow?
A workflow is a visualisation of your user journey or business process and requirements. A project can have several workflows.
What's an event (task)?
An event is a step in your business process or user journey.
What's a card/requirement?
Cards/Requirements are linked to events and can be a user story, a business rule, a UI sketch or anything else your developers need to know.
Create Project
1. Once logged in you can create a new project from the button "New Project" on the dashboard.
2. Click "New Project". Now the dialog "New project" should be displayed.
3. Start by selecting your organisation. Then choose a name for your project.
4. If you managed to create a new project it should now be visible on your dashboard in the section "Recent projects". If you created your first project you will be redirected to the project dashboard.
Create Project
1. Once logged in you can create a new project from the button "New Project" on the dashboard.
2. Click "New Project". Now the dialog "New project" should be displayed.
3. Start by selecting your organisation. Then choose a name for your project.
4. If you managed to create a new project it should now be visible on your dashboard in the section "Recent projects". If you created your first project you will be redirected to the project dashboard.
Create a workflow
1. Select a project and then click "New Workflow" on the project dashboard.
2. Name your workflow and click "ADD".
3. If you managed to create a workflow it should now be visible on your project dashboard.
Create lanes & events
1. Click on a workflow in the project dashboard. To create the first event press the button “Add start point”.
2. Select the name of the lane by clicking on the vertical text in the left part of the swimlane. Use the keyboard to change the text and press enter to save.
3. In order to add more events, connections and decisions, click on the event (the orange box) and use the menu that appears the event. You can also use the + icon next to an event to quick add a event to the right.
4. Use drag & drop to rearrange the events (boxes).
Adding Cards
1. Click on an event in your diagram and then click on "Add user story to the selected event" or click the plus button in the bottom of the event you want to add a card to. You can also add cards with the side menu as shown below.
2. Edit the text of the card and press enter or click outside the box to save the changes. Change type in the type column. The types are customisable (e.g. user story, business rule, epic, UX requirement, non-functional requirement, trigger, system, comment, etc).
3. New cards are saved at the bottom of your "backlog" below the diagram. Continue to add cards to your backlog by repeating the steps above.
4. You can add realease number to cards using the release column. You can change release by dragging a card up or down in the backlog or by dragging a card to a new slot in the User Story Map view.​
Export to Azure DevOps, Jira, Excel or JSON
1. You can export your content by clicking on the export button above your workflow.
2. You can choose between generating a CSV file, JSON or export to Jira through the Jira API.
If you want to export to Jira that can be done from inside Jira. Download and install the Qlerify app to your Jira Cloud instance from the Atlassian Marketplace below.
Azure DevOps
If you want to export to Azure DevOps that can be done from inside Azure DevOps. Download and install the Qlerify app to your Azure DevOps instance from the VS Marketplace.
Agile Data Modeling
Under the “Data Models” tab, you can define all the data attributes related to each process step. The attributes are separated in two tables - a Read Model and a Write Model. The Read Model contains the attributes that are retrieved from the database and presented to the user. The Write Model includes all the attributes that are written to the database through Commands. You can use AI to generate suggestions for data attributes and you can also ask the AI to generate an ER diagram based on the attributes. Select one Domain Event in the diagram and then use the buttons “+ Write Model”, “+ Read Model”, “+ Event” to create attributes and ER diagrams.
How to use Domain Models and Aggregates​
Domain Models and Aggregates Overview
Under the ‘Domain Model' tab in the app, you can view your workflow from a software architecture design perspective. Commands can be grouped by entities or aggregates. You can also see the command parameters and the entities (with data fields) within each aggregate. You can assign one or more aggregates to a Bounded Context and generate the code for a Service API as well as code for unit tests. This approach is effective when you want to gradually break down a monolith and replace it with well-designed Service APIs. It is also useful when designing new APIs.
First, make sure to have a card type set as ‘Command’ and another set as ‘Aggregate’ in the workflow settings (the cogwheel icon top right).
Add / update cards on Events
Now you can specify commands and aggregates/systems...
User Story Mapping
Using User Story Mapping in Qlerify
Qlerify includes a User Story Mapping view that streamlines agile release/iteration planning. Click on “User Story Map” under the diagram to switch from the list view (“All Cards”) to the user story map view.  In the list view, you can assign a release (or iteration) number to each card in the product backlog by selecting the desired release (or iteration) number in the Release column. In the user story map view, you can move cards between releases by dragging and dropping them to the desired release. You can also move cards between events/steps by dragging and dropping them sideways to the desired event.​The entire workspace can also be filtered by release (or iteration) number. This allows users to quickly get a visual overview of what user journey steps and user stories that are included in a specific release (or iteration). The filtering feature is described below.

Linking cards (e.g. user stories) to releases
Each event in the diagram can be a step in a user journey or an epic. You can add user stories or any other type of requirement for each step or epic. Each requirement can be assigned a release (or iteration) number by selecting a number in the Release column in the product backlog. It is now possible to visualize the scope of a release and what epics/user journey steps and requirements that are included in a certain release by using the filter function described below.

Filter Releases
You can apply a visual filter on the entire workspace, thereby visualising the desired content in each release or iteration. Use the dropdown "Filter Releases” at the top right of the screen and select the releases you want to include.

Do I need a credit-card to try Qlerify?

Nope. We offer a freemium version without the need for a credit card.

Do you offer annual billing?

Yes, the subscription is paid in advance for one year. We offer a money-back guarantee. If you upgrade and later decide to cancel, you will receive a refund for the remaining months.

How can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel the subscription anytime by contacting us.

Which payment methods are accepted?

We accept MasterCard and Visa through a secure payment service provided by Paypal as well as bank transfer or invoice.

Is there a discount for startups, students, etc.?

We offer discounts on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for more information.

Are there any applicable taxes?

All prices are excluding Swedish VAT. Since Qlerify is a Swedish company, we must collect VAT from most of our customers. Please contact us for further information.

Wonder what some words mean? Check out our glossary.
Open Glossary
We have an extensive experience of facilitating modeling workshops, both on site and remote.  With our help you get a flying start and save a lot of valuable time.
We also provide training in Event Storming on site at your office or remotely via Zoom. There is also an open introduction course that we provide through our partner NFI here (Swedish).
Contact us if you would like to know more.
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